Hire a boss who will ensure you're consistently being productive.
Send us your todos for the day, or todos with a specific deadline. Make sure they're quantifiable, because you'll have to prove you did them.
Send us a screenshot, or some other proof that you finished them.
If you default, we will follow up with you, and not stop bugging you till it's resolved.
You become ridiculously productive and possibly win the Nobel Prize.
Accountability for people who work independently.
Working on your own is amazing. All that delicious freedom and flexibility. But working for someone else has a huge productivity advantage: a boss.
Have you noticed that when you have someone supervising you, you always get work done, almost on autopilot? You never miss a client deadline, or a deadline at work. And yet, you constantly seem to miss your own.
So what do you do to create the same kind of pressure on yourself as you'd have at work?
Legitimately life-changing.
You see in us your soul mirrored.
Boss as a Service is certainly not for everybody. Some people work well without someone standing over them. Some of us, though, need the kick in the pants. If any of the following scenarios is familiar to you and has you nodding and saying "Yup, that's me", maybe you want to consider it.
Boss as a Service is not for you if you're not looking to seriously accelerate your productivity. If you're not committed to this, you'll probably just find our follow ups and questions annoying. We force you to confront your bad work habits and defaulting. That can be a bit unpleasant at times -- nobody likes being reminded that they skipped gym for the last 2 weeks -- but it's necessary we do so! If that's not what you want from us, you won't like this.
Check out more about whether Boss as a Service can help you here.
Because you know that does not work.
We've all tried that, and it doesn't really work. The problem with friends is that they like you, and will give you little or no hassle when you show up with a story about how the dog ate your homework. If you beg and plead enough, they let you off the hook. They feel uncomfortable calling you out on your bullshit. Polite, occassional reminders don't work. Plus, they have jobs and families and grocery shopping and Tinder swiping to do, and cannot really spend much effort or time chasing you up.
You need something to make sure you're doing them.
Yes, and we've probably used all of them! Todo list apps and habit trackers are great, but what happens when you inevitably stop using them in a week when the novelty wears off? What happens when you don't do what you committed to do? Seriously, you don't need another app to list your todos. You need something to make sure you follow through.
Because we want to make life simple.
Just message us. We support email, texting, Whatsapp and Telegram right now.
Make sure though that each todo is (a) quantifiable (because you're going to have to prove you did it) and (b) has a concrete deadline (because we will start to demand answers from then on).
We know your weaselly ways.
Hey, it's not like that, babe, we swear.
Okay, maybe it is, a little bit. But it's only because we're habitual procrastinators ourselves, and know that in your place, we'd totally try to cheat.
Maybe you've been lounging around in your pajamas all day eating Doritos, but you plan to go for a run later that night. So you think it's okay to tell us that you already have. We know how that's going to turn out -- in a guilt-filled unholy orgy of Dorito excesses. So we wouldn't be doing you any favours if we're flexible about the "Prove it" rule. We'll only count the tasks you're able to prove as tasks actually done. In other words, pics or it didn't happen.
So what does proof look like?
We know the difference.
Clever forgeries may deceive the eagle eyes of our humans, but besides giving you a massive guilt induced headache, it's completely counterproductive. You signed up to be more productive, not to fabricate evidence! Besides, there's surely a point where just completing your todo is easier than making up fake proof.
Double accountability.
Yes! We're partnering with our friends at Beeminder. You can set things up so that if you can't prove to Boss as a Service that your task has been successfully done, Beeminder will charge you a financial penalty.
We like free stuff too but then we also like money.
We don't make it difficult to cancel.
Of course. You can cancel any time. We won't even make you click a button that says "I don't care if 2025 is unproductive" first.
Existential question: are we really real if we don't exist on the blockchain on Web3 as AI?
Nope. We've said "deadly serious" a total of 3 times. Go ahead, control-f "deadly serious."
We're deadly serious about keeping you on track, and making sure you get stuff done. As you should be too.
Chat with us!
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