How to Get Out of a Rut: Ways to Break Free

Everyone gets stuck in boring routines sometimes--find ways to make your days exciting and boost your motivation!

Have you ever gone to the gym with all the enthusiasm in the world only to find that all the equipment you planned to use was already taken? So, you hop on a treadmill—usually the first spot to free up—and start running. Now, what if the gym is so crowded that you can't do any other exercise, and just have to keep running? The rhythm of your feet against the belt and the mechanical sounds from the rollers start grating on your nerves. You keep running without ever going forward—like those dreams where you keep trying to reach somewhere but the destination is never within sight!

This is exactly what a rut feels like--going through a range of motions in the same place every day without feeling like you're making progress. If you're feeling this right now, don't worry! It happens to all of us, especially when we enter a period that, fortunately or unfortunately, has more stability than turbulence. But eventually, everyone must hop off the treadmill--find ways to break out of the rut, before it zaps your creativity, motivation, and energy to pursue your life goals.

The first step to breaking out of your rut is understanding it--let's go through this together! Read on to find out why you've gotten yourself into this endless loop, and how to jump out of it.

How long can you keep running in place?
How long can you keep running in place?
Feeling a bit stuck in place? Join Boss as a Service and let us help you move forward and achieve all your goals, one step at a time!

How to Know if You're Stuck in a Rut

A rut, in essence, is a stage where challenges and excitement go away and you simply work on autopilot. Your routine is monotonous, all things look and sound familiar with no room for spontaneity, creativity, or surprise. This can be felt in many aspects--your relationship, your career, or your daily habits. It can, quite literally, be as simple as having a slice of plain toast every morning, forever.

Still a bit confused? Here are a few sure ways of identifying whether you're stuck in a rut:

Every Day Feels the Same

Think of your day so far – you woke up to your alarm, did your morning routine, got ready for school, work, or household chores, and began your tasks for the day. Now, think of yesterday, and the day before that, and so on. Does all of it seem to blur into each other? If you said yes, this might mean that you've got yourself into a daily rut of doing the same things over and over, without a break in the routine.

You Do Not Feel Motivated or Satisfied

Imagine you've finally managed to finish that one task that has been bugging you forever. Ideally, you'd be on a productive high as you cross it off your to-do list; but you find yourself simply brushing it aside and moving on to the next thing. Or maybe, you've left that task pending even though you know you can get it done really quickly and easily, because you feel totally unmotivated to get to it. This could be a sign of a creative rut.

Thought of Change brings Fear

Life is totally unpredictable--you never know what the next moment can bring. So, it's natural to create routines in the interest of self-preservation. But if you feel so bound to your way of doing things that any thought of change or disruption makes you uncomfortable, it may be time to throw a spanner in the works just to get yourself out of the box.

The box gets stuffy over time!
The box gets stuffy over time!

Why You May be Stuck in a Rut

Now, you may have identified your rut, but do you know the real reason behind it? Here are a few common causes:

You're In Your Comfort Zone

When we finally get most of the things we've been working for--be it a house, career, friends or family -- we may want to stay in the peaceful zone for as long as possible and so find excuses for not trying something new. The support and comfort you feel in the zone is undoubtedly good for you, but if you stop making and pursuing goals, you will be stuck in a rut.

You're Not Feeling the Nudge

Motivation comes differently to everyone -- for some, an internal urge to get goals done is enough, while others rely on accountability to keep them productive. But when you don't have anything constantly pushing you to move forward, you may resort to finding contentment in whatever you've already achieved.

You Fear Failure

No one likes failures and setbacks, so often when you pick up a goal you put pressure on yourself to get it done perfectly. But this pursuit of perfection builds up the consequences of failure in your mind, so much so that you'd rather keep things unfinished till you are sure you can get them done without mistakes. Let's break the negative cycle we unconsciously built and focus on finding happiness in the little things!

Don't be afraid to fall!
Don't be afraid to fall!

Your Mental Well-Being Takes a Hit

Being stuck in a rut can sometimes be a sign of bigger problems which zap your motivation and energy and make you unable to think outside the box. But a note of caution here -- mental health conditions should never be self-diagnosed even if you suspect you may have symptoms. Always seek a licensed mental health professional's help for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

How To Get Unstuck and Break Free from Your Rut

Now, if you've concluded that you are in a rut, the next step is to break out of it! Here's a few simple things you can do to get unstuck:

Change your Routine

Wake up at 10 am instead of 6, switch up your morning routine and eat something you've never had before for breakfast. Or meet up with friends for a quick coffee even if it is a weekday! Small, spontaneous changes to your daily routine can break your brain's autopilot mode and shake up your energy levels, often resulting in a more interesting and productive day.

Trying to pick up some good habits? Sign up to Boss as a Service and we'll make sure you stay consistent till you achieve your goals!

Spend Time Outside

If you spend a large part of your day indoors, make an effort to get up from your desk and breathe in some fresh air and sunlight. You can do this with a five-minute coffee break in the park, an early morning or evening stroll or simply planning a weekend picnic with friends. Nature is a really good rejuvenator, so spend time in it!

Who said you can't work outside?
Who said you can't work outside?

Recognize What Needs to Change

If your rut is a sign of bigger problems you may be having--maybe you've outgrown your job or relationship, then quick fixes aren't going to make these go away. Acknowledge the real issues and try to understand what needs to be done to resolve them.

Find Your Purpose and Motivation

A rut is often just a lack of drive in whatever you're doing, so find the goals that really energize and invigorate you and start to work towards them. If you struggle with keeping up your motivation long enough to complete your goals, find ways to keep the momentum going--perhaps through accountability?

Stop Chasing Perfection

Progress should always trump the pursuit of perfection--you can't sell bestsellers you've never written! Focus on getting the work done first, then refining it, rather than waiting around for the perfect moment.

Avoid the Negative Self Talk

When we try to change things, there's always a little voice at the back of our head that tries to resist by instilling fear. Negative self talk isn't going to get us anywhere, so tell that voice to pipe down--change may not always be good, but it is necessary!

Only positivity allowed!
Only positivity allowed!

Seek Help from a Mental Health Professional

When we get our car stuck in a ditch and can't move it forward, we don't think twice before calling for professional help. The same way, when you feel stuck in life, don't shy away from seeking out an expert who can help you understand what's going on and how you can make things better—your mental well being is important!

Get Some Accountability

As we talked about before, we sometimes need an external push to get us to change. So, find an accountability partner to help you recognize how you can bring change to your life and to make sure you're doing what you need to stop feeling stuck.

How BaaS Helps You Get out of a Rut

Speaking of accountability, you can always check out Boss as a Service! Our human Bosses are here to make sure you set out to complete whatever goal you want to achieve--especially if it will help you get out of a rut. We track any goal--even something as simple as doing one fun task a day or reminding you to cut back on the negative self-talk every day!

At Boss as a Service, we're here to make sure you don't get stuck in boring routines--but we won't let you slack off on your goals either!

Final Thoughts

Feeling stuck in a rut might be a sign that life needs to change--find the courage and make the effort to recognize and break free from it!

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