How to Wake Up with Energy: Tips for a Productive Morning

Create simple habits to have a happy and enthusiastic start to the day!

What's a typical Sunday night for you? Do you lay your clothes out for the next day, organize your bag, and plan a productive morning of meetings, calls, and emails? And then, come Monday morning, do you find yourself groggy, grumpy, hating the phone notifications, hating the commute, hating the world? And unable to even think clearly without that first (or fifth) cup of coffee?

Our wake-up routines impact our whole day so much more than we realize -- the happier and more energized we feel as we get out of bed, the better our whole day goes. So, how to boost your morning energy levels and usher in a great day? Read on to find out:

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What is Sleep Inertia?

If you're "not a morning person", the feeling of sleep inertia is probably familiar to you, even if the term isn't.

Sleep inertia refers to the disoriented state you sometimes experience when waking up--everything is blurry, noises around you are too loud, lights too bright and you're not really sure who you are or where you're at. It’s a completely normal biological state -- your eyes may be open and your body moving, but the mind has just not caught up yet.

A lot of people think sleep inertia is a sign of laziness, procrastination or even sleep deprivation--they may not be completely wrong, but it's totally a state you can change by putting a few simple habits in place. Here they are:

How to Wake Up Feeling Energized and Refreshed

Understand your Sleep Cycle and Get Enough Sleep

Your ideal sleep cycle depends on your chronotype -- your body's internal clock will let you know whether you're an early morning bird or a night owl. Try to analyze your sleep patterns and fix your best sleep and wake-up time, so you can get enough rest and deep sleep for your mind to be fully recharged and ready to take on the challenges of the new day!

While fixing a consistent sleep schedule, you must factor in how many hours of sleep you're getting--don't fall asleep at 3 am and wake up at 6 am! Figure out a way to get as many sleeping hours as you need. Also important -- get a comfortable mattress, avoid too much caffeine and alcohol, and keep the room temperature as comfortable as possible.

Avoid the Snooze Button

Lots of us snooze the first few alarms in the morning to get those extra two minutes of bad quality sleep. But this only promulgates a subconscious habit of delaying your morning routine and gives you just enough time to get dressed in a hurry and leave, if you skip breakfast -- not a good use of your morning energy! So, avoid that snooze button and try to wake up on the first alarm to start your day.

Don't hit that button!
Don't hit that button!

Drink a Glass of Water

A good night's sleep means at least seven or eight hours without food or water. So when you get up in the morning, your body is looking to hydrate. Go for a big glass of fresh cold water, instead of tea or coffee, and you'll automatically feel refreshed and energized to take on the day!

Plan a Breakfast to Boost Energy Levels

Eggs, grilled tomatoes, apples, and a green smoothie are all hearty and healthy dishes, great to start your day with. Plan and prep your breakfast the night before, so you wake up looking forward to a tasty meal that will boost your energy levels and spirit instantly!

Go out into the Sun

Avoid turning on harsh lights in your room as you get out of bed, and instead open your windows to let in the sunlight and fresh air. Try to take your breakfast on the balcony, if you have one, or anywhere outdoors, so you can get some good Vitamin D and let the sun reinvigorate your bones!

Who doesn't want to wake up to this?
Who doesn't want to wake up to this?

Practice Meditation, Yoga, and Journaling

Try to practice deep breathing, yoga and gratitude writing as a part of your daily morning routine to help you feel calm and positive about your day, so you look forward to what's coming ahead rather than dread it.

Get in a Full Workout

If you have some time, go one step further from yoga and meditation and get in a run or cardio workout to get your heart pumping and adrenaline flowing. You can follow this up with a cold shower to shock and thrill your body awake as well!

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Listen to Upbeat Music or Shows

Try to wake up to some motivating music or podcast (no, true crime doesn't work!) to help you wake up with a smile on your face and a pep in your step.

Dance in the day!
Dance in the day!

Recognise Underlying Conditions

If you have to regularly fight morning fatigue, you may be experiencing  problems deeper than you realize, such as sleep apnea, sleep disorders, or something harming your physical and mental well-being. Try meeting a sleep doctor to understand what's going on.

Why You May Face Sleep Inertia

Inability to Fall Asleep on Time

Ideally, you should be falling asleep at a fixed time at night when you're feeling tired -- but something may stop you from doing so. This could be work, external stimuli, distractions, or anything else. Whatever it is, you may want to fix it before it permanently damages your ability to shorten sleep inertia and boost your energy levels.

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Our lives have become so busy and so full of work and responsibilities that a lot of people feel like late night is the only time they have to themselves, just to spend an hour doing what they like. So, they "claim" this time by refusing to fall asleep, and instead, read, scroll through social media, play games, or talk to their friends. But if you can't sleep during the day and refuse to do so at night, how will you get your rest?

Happy but tired?
Happy but tired? 

Stress and Anxiety

Exams, a big work project, relationship troubles -- all of these cause some stress and anxiety which may keep you up at night. But if you let it fester and don't find ways to relax before you sleep, you will wake up with stress, anxiety, and a groggy feeling you can't shake off.

Physical or Mental Conditions

A sleep disorder or illness can impact your ability to sleep comfortably and keep you awake at night. Don't dismiss it or shy away from seeking help from a medical professional!

Final Thoughts

Fix your sleep routine and find ways to feel energized when you wake up to seize the day with enthusiasm!

At Boss as a Service, we're geared up to make you feel happy and productive, and will ensure you seize every day the best you can!

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