11 Proven Strategies for a More Productive Day

Make each day count towards improving your overall productivity and wellbeing

Recall the last time you woke up pumped for the day ahead, with a full plan to exercise, cook your meals, get in eight hours of work, and then relax and have some fun. If you have to think too far behind, it'd probably been a while since you've had a productive day.

Anyone who's trying to achieve their goals and complete their long to do list knows that having consistent productive days is important. But sometimes, it can be a struggle, with distractions, procrastination, and a lack of motivation creeping in and disrupting the productive streak. But this can be managed with a few simple strategies to regain your focus, eliminate unproductive habits and make your days full of progress.

learn how to make the most of your peak productivity hours
Learn how to make the most of your peak productivity hours
Looking for ways to boost your productivity? Try working with Boss as a Service to connect with Bosses who have a knack for keeping you focused and on track for all your goals!

What is a Productive Day

Before planning for productive days, let's make sure we have the right concept in mind. You may think that productivity just means getting work done or spending a lot of time in the office or school, but that is not always the case. Rather, a productive day is one where you are organized and are able to achieve some momentum at not just work or studies but also your other goals.

To make a day productive, it's important to keep it balanced between active, challenging tasks and activities that let you relax and enjoy yourself. All the to dos you plan for the day must have a purpose, push you a little bit beyond your comfort zone, and ultimately count as steps towards your long-term goals.

How to Make Your Days Productive

Plan Ahead for Success

Create a Weekly Plan

The first step to ensure your days are productive is to plan them ahead. Take some time on Sunday evenings to look at the week ahead of you and schedule your goals and tasks. A good practice here would be breaking down big goals and projects into smaller, achievable tasks.

Your weekly plan can also be structured with a simple morning routine to get you focused and energized, followed by the "frogs" you want to eat--tasks you want to get out of the way early in the day. And if certain intellectually demanding tasks need long hours, like coding or studying for an exam, schedule them during your most productive hours. And don't forget to factor in deadlines!

Always stay a few steps ahead
Always stay a few steps ahead

Prioritize Your Tasks

While making your weekly plan, also prioritize each day’s activities to make sure it is balanced and keeps you in control. Make sure to prioritize one task at a time---multitasking is the bane of productivity--and leave enough room for some adjustments if needed.

Develop Time Management Skills

Time Block Your Schedule

Time blocking, which involves allocating specific time slots for tasks and activities, is a great way to manage your day and get more done. Set specific time blocks for your most intellectually demanding tasks first, and then schedule other things around them.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is another time management strategy designed to sustain focus and energy. It involves a period of say, 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a quick 5-minute break before you pivot to another task. The technique allows you to get more done without burning out or losing your motivation quickly.

Stay Focused and Motivated

Minimize Distractions

Distractions are another hindrance to productivity that must be managed. Simple things like notifications on your phone, old volume of the TV, or a chatty neighbor can disrupt your flow and lead you to waste time and energy in maintaining your focus. So, to minimize distractions, start by finding a dedicated, quiet workspace and keeping all unnecessary devices away.

While planning your day, you can also set some time during breaks to check your phone, call people or catch up with colleagues so you're not tempted during your focused work hours.

Fewer interruptions will lead to more productivity
Fewer interruptions will lead to more productivity

Looking for ways to make your PC distraction-free? Try our cool tool, Dopanope!

Watch for Unproductive Behavior

Like distractions, certain habits like playing games or going on social media during work hours, staying up late to watch TV or movies, or giving in to procrastination and wasting time can take you farther from productivity. Overcome these by setting some daily tasks and habits in place to stay more disciplined and attentive.

At Boss as a Service, we'll make sure all your good habits and strategies stay consistent, while unproductive ones stay at bay!

Maintain Your Physical and Mental Health

Exercise Regularly and Eat Healthy

Maintaining your health is important to keep up your energy and contain your stress levels throughout the day. Schedule some time to exercise in your daily routine, preferably outdoors, and schedule regular breaks to get in some physical activity by stretching your legs and getting some fresh air.

Same way, you want to pay attention to the food you're eating. Have a healthy breakfast and prep healthy meals at home instead of going for processed and sugar snacks and give yourself ample time to relax and eat lunch and dinner.

Sleep Well and Take Breaks

A good night's sleep is super important to regulate a person's energy levels and give them the mental energy required to optimize productivity during the day. Try to fix a bedtime and stick to it, and establish a good morning routine when you get up.

Also, don't shy away from scheduling a power nap during the day if it'll help get refreshed and ready for the second half.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Don't neglect your personal life for your work. Productivity means keeping a healthy work-life balance, so make time for your family, friends, and even yourself and let loose a little.

A little work and a little play makes a productive day!
A little work and a little play makes a productive day!

Check On Your Progress

Review Your Journey and Adjust Your Plan

Every few weeks, take stock of your progress and figure out what works for you. If some strategies need a revisit or need to be changed, take the time to make sure you have new plans in place. Make sure to keep track of the very productive day and least productive day, so you know what went right and wrong.

Get Accountability

If you're finding it difficult to maintain your schedule and reviews after initial self reflection, get someone to check on you and keep you on track! Tons of accountability apps and tools are available to help you keep your days productive--and you don't even have to look beyond Boss as a Service!

How BaaS Helps You Have a Productive Day

Whewther its tracking a few big tasks, making a daily schedule or just maximizing productivity in general, Boss as a Service is here to help you with all of it. We'll work on identifying your most important tasks, implementing productivity strategies to get them done and ensure you have a healthy work-life balance as well!

Join Boss as a Service to get productive immediately!

Final Thoughts

A productive day leads to a productive life---try to make the most of yours!

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