Stop Making Excuses and Start Achieving Your Goals
Excuses are just another way of avoiding your true fears. Find ways to break the cycle and get to work
We can always find reasons to delay tasks or not do them at all. Maybe there are more urgent deadlines coming up, or maybe we're just not feeling inspired enough to start our big goals. Or maybe, we're scared of unpleasant outcomes, so we look for excuses to push the work for as long as possible.
Excuses come easily when we want to avoid taking responsibility or choose short bursts of dopamine over long-term gains and success. But eventually, we'll find that it's too hard to stop making excuses and start doing things that matter. Let's understand why we make excuses, and how to get rid of them!

Why We Make Excuses to Not Work
Think about your go-to excuse while avoiding something. Do you suddenly feel unwell when there's a late night at the office? Or, when you have to socialize with people you don't really like, do you blame your poor pet for not letting you leave the house? Or, do you miss an important appointment because you're too busy doomscrolling and just say your phone didn't remind you?
All these seem like little, harmless excuses. But they actually add up to big emotions and feelings you may be subconsciously feeling but aren't ready to admit:
Failure Fear
Everyone has a little bit of a perfectionist in them, which becomes more pronounced when we approach big tasks that have many rewards. But as we chase perfection, the fear of falling short or failing grows too, sometimes to such an extent that the task seems too daunting to do. So in this case, it is easier to just delay it for as long as possible. You can't fail at something you don't do, right?
Some tasks feel like stepping off a diving board without knowing if there's a pool underneath it. You can't predict the result, so it's hard to get yourself psyched enough to do it. What if you fail, or something horrible happens that you can't fix? So, it seems best to avoid it until you can think of all the possible scenarios and solutions for any challenge that you may face.

Lack of Purpose
Motivation and drive are important factors for getting things done. But they're also fragile and get knocked at the smallest of setbacks, roadblocks, or delays. The more unmotivated you get, the less likely you are to ever take up something important and meaningful.
Living in a Comfort Zone
Every aspect of life--school, work, home--comes with a routine. At one point, you get so set in these routines that doing something new feels like too big a risk. So, you find excuses to stay in your comfort zone and avoid the disruptions, But if you're not careful, you'll end up in a real rut!
So, now that we've understood why we make excuses, let's figure out ways to stop them!
How to Break the Excuse-Making Cycle
Recognise your Patterns
The first step in stopping your excuses is recognizing them. Every time you decide to delay a task such as cleaning your house or sending an email--or not do it at all--think about whether your reasons are genuine or just convenient for that moment. The more you understand your decisions, the better you'll be able to acknowledge what's really holding you back.

Acknowledge your Fears
Simply admitting that you make excuses is not enough. Try to analyze why you fear the task, and how you can overcome your inhibitions and get to work. Take responsibility for overcoming your hesitations.
Change Desires to Action
Stop thinking of your goals as something you "want" to do, and believe you are "going" to do them. Changing aspirations into positive action will help you keep off the pressure and develop some motivation to get started.

Break Down the Big Goals
Big, complicated goals can get daunting quickly. Try breaking them down into tiny, easily measurable SMART goals, so you can do a little every day, build some momentum, focus and take the pressure off!
Want some help with this? Try our SMART Goal Generator!
Get Motivated
Motivation trumps excuses and helps your mind focus and get to work. Find ways to keep yourself enthusiastic and driven. You could fill your workspace with positive messages to inspire you, a vision board of your goals and the future rewards that await you, or even reminders of your responsibility and the consequences of unfinished goals!
Stop Comparing Your Journey with Others
Sometimes you may start on a journey with other people, but find them moving slightly faster and reaching more milestones. This can knock your motivation and so you start finding reasons to slow down even more or stop altogether. This is when you need to remember that everyone is on a different journey, and you'll only get ahead when you focus on improving your own pace.

Push your Boundaries
Getting out of your comfort zone can be tough, but it's important for growth and success. So now and then, take up activities and tasks that will challenge you, teach you new skills, and force you to get a little creative.
Review your Progress
As you complete your steps, take time once a week or month to review your progress and see how far you've come. This can not just be a great motivating factor but also help you decide if things are going well or if you need to make a change.
Celebrate and Learn
As you measure your progress, take the time to recognize and celebrate every milestone you've crossed and note the lessons you've learned. This will help you move forward without thinking or worrying about the outcome too much.

Get Accountability
If you still feel like you're having a hard time shaking off excuses and getting to work, try to be held accountable for your goals. Committing to someone else cuts the chances of you delaying or avoiding the goal. Try working with an accountability coach or partner service to get you the support and motivation that you need!
Stop Making Excuses and Achieve Your Big Dreams with BaaS
Looking for an accountability partner? Try Boss as a Service! Our human bosses are here to help you create goals and overcome all the challenges you're facing in meeting them. Plus, we never accept excuses but rather help you understand why you're holding back and how you can address your fears.
Final Thoughts
Figure out why you're really making excuses and start finding ways to get the work done!