The 22 Best Books on Mindset for Personal Growth

Books on mindset that help you end self-limiting beliefs, develop a growth mindset, solve problems, and shift your perspective

Routine is a funny thing – when life is too volatile, and we sleep, eat, and move differently every day, the body craves consistency. But then again, when you finally find and fall into a routine, and start living the same life day after day, you become bored and want something new to re-energize your bones.

Just like the body, the brain craves a routine. Our brains, being ancient survival machines that helped our ancestors stay alive as they navigated the dangerous wilderness they lived in, instantly distrust and fear too much novelty. Therefore, in setting up a routine of any kind, the brain is naturally resistant to new and crazy ideas. As the brain craves consistency, this can put your mind in a rut and block all growth potential necessary for a fulfilling life.

Changing your mindset is the key to finding that sweet spot of consistency with personal and professional growth. Sounds simple, but it isn't – especially if you are floundering in the middle of that rut.

Thankfully, help is at hand. Let's examine some of the best books on mindset that provide a nudge for personal transformation and self-development.

What This Article Covers

Best Books about Mindset
Key Takeaways to Look For
Final Thoughts

The 22 Best Books on Mindset to Develop a Growth Mindset

1. The Power of Habit

Starting a habit? You need accountability to keep you on track. If you want someone to check in with you every day to see if you're going strong – and call you out if you're not, check out Boss as a Service.

Habit formation plays a big role in productivity and success. 40 % of our daily activity goes into following the habits we've formed, according to The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. The book is not about habit creation but rather habit transformation--breaking harmful behavior and developing high-performance habits to bring fundamental changes in our lives. It gives the example of a woman who uses discipline and focus to quit smoking, get fitter and find professional success--transformations that literally changed her neurological patterns. In another instance, one of the biggest companies in America had a complete turnaround from a flop to an industry giant, after its executive broke bad patterns of worker safety.

Using such unique but relatable stories, Duhigg delves deep into how we can identify imperceptible patterns in our daily lives and change them in a way that leads us towards greater success.

2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Sometimes the key to success is finding the fine line between fixed and growth mindsets and jumping over to the right side. But to do so, we need a greater degree of self-awareness--which books like Carol Dweck's Mindset help us find.

We've written about Carol Dweck's research and the growth mindset before—check out our post on why Becoming is better than Being. The book uses the concepts of neuroplasticity to explain that by incorporating small changes into our everyday thinking and behavior, we can cut down on self-limiting beliefs that come with a fixed mindset and instead focus on growing personally and professionally. Add to this a few practical techniques for developing greater mindfulness and positive habit formation, and we've got a complete recipe for success.

3. Thinking, Fast and Slow

In this book, Daniel Kahneman tackles the basic tenet of productivity and success--decision-making. The choices we make every second shape our future and determine whether we follow the path of success or failure. Kahneman explains that our brain has two systems that influence these choices--the default one, which is fast, automatic, intuitive and emotional; and the slow, effortful, logical and deliberate system, which we must intentionally activate.

Neither way is wrong per se, but each one needs to be applied to the right situation. Thinking, Fast and Slow explains which system is appropriate for certain situations, and why we must or must not always go for the default choice.

4. Awaken The Giant Within

Emotional intelligence and mental resilience are as important for a growth mindset as any other productivity strategy. In Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins shows how we all have the capacity to develop mental toughness, which he calls a sleeping "giant" within us if we just learn how to work with emotion rather than let emotions drive us. His advice is based on a few simple concepts that we can all grasp with a little bit of effort--raise your personal standards, harness the power of decision-making, and work on constant improvement. Seems abstract, no? Don't worry, the book offers plenty of advice on how to implement these concepts and bring them into your life!

5. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Whether we're aware or not, all of us are inherently chasing a flow state – in which we're able to get completely absorbed in something and focus only on what is in front of us. It's also a state of a different kind of self-awareness; the focus is on the motion of our legs as they run, the movement of the wrist as we write; and the the way a problem starts to fade away as we get closer and closer to its solution. The best pat about this state? Time is out the window--we're living in the moment, working, learning, improving, and enjoying every bit of it.

Sounds like a state of spiritual enlightenment, doesn't it? That's exactly what Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi offers, by exploring the relationship between joy, creativity, and the process of total involvement with life.

Tip: Being in the flow needs you to be undistracted! Check out how to live a life of focus, and how to use body doubling to focus.

6. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

If you've Googled books about mindset before, youv'e probably found The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k by Mark Manson near the top results. What makes this book unique--apart from its eye-catching name--is that it takes a new spin on positive psychology, or the study of how people thrive. Manson actually suggests that trying to develop a positive mindset all the time is overrated and kind of pointless--the world is full of challenges and human beings have flaws and limitations that make it difficult to get through them. Once we accept this and overcome our fear of failure if we don't get everything perfect, we can harness the power of saying no--to things that do not deserve our care and attention. This way, we can start to focus and find success on the things that matter to us in the long term.

7. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Philsophoical and leadership insights from the days of yore say that worry is good, because it means you care. But are you really living a productive, purpose-driven life if you worry about anything and everything? Self-development also means being aware and present in your journey, rather than getting lost in the what-ifs and potential setbacks. This is exactly what Dale Carnegie says in How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

As a doyen of the self-improvement world who wrote classics such as How to Win Friends and Influence People, Carnegie teaches with authority that life really is all about the journey, and appreciating what you have will get you much farther than worrying about what you may or may not get.

8. Atomic Habits

Want someone to make sure you're following the strategies in Atomic Habits? Check out Boss as a Service – we give you a personal Boss who'll make sure you're not slacking off, and on track to your goals!

James Clear is a Boss as a Service favorite, and so is Atomic Habits! This book acknowledges just how difficult breaking bad habits can be, but its not impossible to tackle them and embark on a more productive path by making small, incremental changes. It outlines the importance of focusing on systems rather than goals, breaking down big goals into manageable steps, and creating conditions that help in forming positive habits.

Clear presents the "Four Laws of Behavior Change"—make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying—as practical strategies for habit formation. Integrating the concept of a growth mindset, which involves believing that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, further reinforces the book's message: small actions, when practiced consistently, can compound over time to produce success spirals and lead to personal and professional growth.

9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If inspiration is what you seek, read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey, in which he lets you in on some "secrets" to get productive and achieve your goals.  The book lists out a set of seven principles to follow: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw.

These strategies will help you take control of your actions, prioritize your goals, foster mutually beneficial relationships, develop empathy, collaborate effectively with others, and continuously improve yourself. It also touches on the importance of having a positive mindset and maintaining an optimistic outlook to boost your motivation; Embracing a solution-oriented way of thinking, and practicing mindfulness to help improve your self-awareness and emotional regulation.

10. Prisons We Choose To Live Inside

This book is a bit of a blast from the past. Written by Doris Lessing (yes, Doris Lessing of The Grass Is Singing fame also wrote non-fiction!) in the 1980s, it's still very much relevant today. In five essays, Lessing explains how we as humans limit our growth and potential by creating virtual "prisons" in the name of societal and political norms. She combines her observations of social and political systems with psychological and behavioral science concepts to explain why and how we create these limitations, and how we can break free from them.

The book is a compelling read for people looking to understand how to harness the power of awareness and self-examination, and adopt an abundance mindset to embrace the possibility of change.

11. Think and Grow Rich

Your reading list of the best books on mindset is incomplete without titles on financial empowerment, and Think and Grow Rich is a mandatory addition. When it was first published in 1937 by Napolean Hill, the book spoke about achieving financial abundance using Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford as examples. The updated version by Arthur R Pell draws on similar principles but provides newer stories of Bill Gates, Dave Thomas, and Mary Kay Ash.

The essence of the book is centered on understand the power of desire, faith, persistence, and the importance of setting clear goals for financial and personal success. Through the various examples, Hill emphasizes the significance of a positive mental attitude and the subconscious mind in shaping one's destiny. It also encourages people to not just think positively for their own growth, but also develop a success-oriented mindset, proactively finding solutions to problems, adopting a service-oriented mindset to contribute to the well-being of others.

12. Search Inside Yourself

Written by former Google engineer and now personal growth coach Chade-Meng Tan, the book focuses on finding emotional intelligence and mastering the art of self-improvement by making positive changes in your mindset.

The book is based on a course developed at Google, and introduces a 3-tiered path to emotional intelligence. The first tier is an introduction to emotional intelligence, in which Tan explains the concept and its importance in the workplace and personal life. He also introduces the basic practices to develop self-awareness and self-regulation.

The second tier is the mindful path to emotional intelligence, which explores specific mindfulness exercises and techniques such as mindful listening, empathy, and compassion. The final tier deal with more advanced concepts such as the neuroscience of mindfulness and how it affects the brain. He also discusses the importance of creating a mindful culture within organizations and shows how to lead with emotional intelligence.

13. Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Another oldie but goodie, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson is pretty much summed up by its philosophy. It is a practical guide on embracing and overcoming failure and offers advice under five broad themes.

First, accept imperfection and mistakes. Second, understand that relaxation and success are not mutually exclusive. Third, become more patient and don't give in to frustration and stress. Fourth, learn to live in the present. and fifth, practice humility.

Following these strategies can help you develop greater resilience, gratitude and overcome your fear of failure to reach for the stars!

14. Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

This book is in a way a journey of self-discovery for David Goggins. Despite having a rough childhood, Goggins went on to build a successful career in the US military forces and athletics. As a distinguished endurance athlete, Goggins boasts an impressive track record of completing more than 60 ultra-marathons, triathlons, and ultra-triathlons, frequently establishing new course records and consistently finishing among the top five. Notably, he once set a Guinness World Record by accomplishing 4,030 pull-ups in a span of 17 hours. But behind all this success came a lot of struggle.

With this book, Goggins shares his principles for mental toughness, resilience, and overcoming obstacles. One interesting concept he introduces is the "40% Rule": when you feel like you've reached your limit, you're only at 40% of your true potential. By keeping up your discipline, consistency and adopting a purpose-driven mindset, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way and pursue your goals.

15. How to Win Friends & Influence People

Yes, we have two books by Dale Carnegie on this list, because that's just how much he has changed the world of personal growth. No list of the best books on mindset would be complete without a mention of this book.

Using simple, practical advice, Carnegie teaches us three things -- how to make people like you, how to win them over with your way of thinking and help them bring about positive changes without them resenting you for it. These principles help you develop and empathetic, positive and collaborative mindset to help you develop greater interpersonal relationships and create mutually beneficial systems to work with others.

Use it for good, though, not evil!

16. The War of Art

If you're a creative, you're only all too familiar with the struggles of creation. The barriers are internal, and there are so many foes to fight with -- fear, resistance, inertia, procrastination. The ability to transform your mindset is imperative to be able to do your best work. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield helps identify the resistance that blocks creative thinking. Originally written for writers, it's equally applicable and offers valuable insights to artists, entrepreneurs, painters, photographers, and anybody who wrestles with creative work. Essentially, it is a must-read for anyone struggling with creative block, procrastination, or self-doubt.

Pressfield also touches upon the 40% rule and how to overcome it with discipline and a purpose-driven mindset. He also introduces other such concepts like, developing a habit of "turning pro" at whatever creative work you take up, and finding a "muse"--a force that propels you to keep improving and getting better.

17. Start with Why

We're all told as kids to never compare ourselves with others, or ask why some people are better than us. Simon Sinek is here to negate all that, by showing how the greatest leaders always know to ask "why" others succeeded before them, "why" they could not come up with innovative ideas, and "why" they should be doing any of the work that's been assigned to them.

These questions not just help you forge a better path forward, but also determine how you get to where you need to go and make sure you never lose sight of the objective. So says Simon Sinek in Start with Why, a book inspired by the most watched TED Talk of all time! Using examples of leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and companies like Apple, he shows us how to develop visionary and values-based mindsets to aim high but keep goals aligned with our core values.

18. The Happiness Project

In The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin shares her own journey of increasing her happiness quotient and improving her life for the better. This engaging memoir details Rubin's year-long journey to increase her happiness by adopting a goal-oriented mindset and focusing on specific life goals each month. She sets specific, actionable goals and shares her experiences, insights, and the lessons she learns along the way.

Rubin explores a variety of themes including boosting energy, improving relationships, pursuing passions, and finding more joy in everyday moments. Her project is rooted in the belief that small changes can lead to significant improvements in happiness.

19. The Alter Ego Effect

This is one of our personal favorites, one that we've read and reread. In the Alter Ego Effect, Todd Herman provides a unique way of dealing with obstacles -- becoming a superhero.

We all have a hidden secret identity, a superhuman that has the perfect level of intention, discipline, focus and drive to achieve our biggest goals. We can tap into this identity and become the best version of ourselves, using some simple strategies to activate our hidden strengths. One of the most remarkable stories Herman shares is that of Beyonce's alter ego -- Sasha Fierce. Beyonce has revealed in interviews that she taps into the energy of the alter ego she created, Sasha Fierce, while she performs. This helps her shed inhibitions, stepping completely into the persona of Sasha, who is uninhibited, creative, and well, fierce, on stage.

Todd Herman tells the stories of several other artists, sportspeople and entrepreneurs who have successfully used the concept of alter egos to channel their true selves, become a superhero, and leave behind the doubts, hesitations and resistance that stops us from performing at our best. The book also provides practical strategies on how you can create your own alter ego.

20. The Happiness Trap

What if true happiness and a fulfilling life are myths? That’s the question Russ Harris asks in The Happiness Trap. This book is all about stopping the never-ending chase for the elusive happiness. Delving into the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), the book challenges conventional notions about happiness, proposing that the relentless pursuit of pleasure can actually lead to more suffering.

Harris argues that true contentment comes from embracing life as it is, with all its complexities and challenges. He introduces the concept of 'psychological flexibility' and guides readers on how to develop it through mindfulness skills and acceptance strategies. The book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to find lasting happiness, not by avoiding or eliminating negative emotions, but by learning to approach life with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace all experiences.

21. Gratitude Works!

Gratitude is an underrated mindset – we all think that discipline, growth, and formation of high-performance habits help us move forward. But really, being grateful and positive about the things we have and can achieve pushes us forward by enhancing happiness, reducing stress and fostering stronger relationships, says gratitude expert Robert A Emmons.

Gratitude Works!, provides readers with a structured, 21-day program designed to cultivate a grateful mindset and improve overall well-being. The book combines scientific research, personal anecdotes, and practical exercises to help readers integrate gratitude into their daily lives.

22. The Greatness Mindset

Lewis Howes' The Greatness Mindset is a perfect guide to developing a purpose-driven mindset. felt like unlocking a door to new possibilities. Howes shares his own journey from a promising athlete to a successful podcaster, highlighting the importance of resilience, persistence, and positive thinking. He also shows us how to create a Meaningful Mission Manifesto--a personal statement that combines passion, power, and a problem to solve--and focus on building a mindset that supports continuous improvement, resilience, and positivity. Howes also provides practical strategies to develop habits and routines that align with a greatness mindset.

What To Take Away From these Mindset Books

Alignment with Goals

Whether you're looking to beat procrastination, set better goals or simply learning how to be happier, the book should have advices that directly applies. This is not to say that you cannot read all of these books, but just make sure to focus a little more on the lessons you actually want to learn.


Not all the advice you'll ready will be directly adoptable, but ensure that at least some of them are. Changing your mindset is not theoretical but practical work, so you need to be able to put at least some lessons you learn into practice.


If by chance you come across a book that says you've been living wrong you whole life, don't take it as criticism. Rather, use the book as motivation to make your life better, more productive and become the best version of yourself.

Final thoughts

Personal growth is hard! Cultivating a growth mindset, and most importantly, doing the work, is necessary if you want to grow, but it won't come easy. Mixing up valuable insights rooted in science with practical advice, these books provide a place to start. If your goal is to work on your personal growth, be sure to check them out.

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