22 Essential Organizing Hacks to Declutter Your Life

Organize your home and work spaces to help your mind get focused and productive

I know what you're thinking--you've accidentally opened an article by Good Housekeeping or Marie Kondo! Why would an accountability partner platform like Boss as a Service provide organization hacks?

The fact is, organization plays a big role in improving productivity and getting us focused on achieving our goals. Haven't we all wasted time looking for important documents under the pile of junk on our desk, or let our minds wander to our messy linen closet during the office presentation? And more than once, we've procrastinated on decluttering and organizing the home and office with excuses of more urgent deadlines or having "better" things to do.

All this can change with a few simple organizing hacks to get out the junk and bring in the joy!

Make order out of chaos
Make order out of chaos
Having trouble getting your stuff in order? Join Boss as a Service and we'll set up some goals to clear the waste, organize your work and home spaces, and keep it nice and tidy!

22 Organizing Hacks For Home and Work

Designate Spaces

"A place for everything, and everything in its place"--such a great motto! By setting up a designated place for everything from files to kitchen utensils to art supplies, you'll be able to avoid messy piles of random stuff everywhere and find what you need much more quickly! Here are a few tips for going about it:

Build Clutter Hubs

No one likes seeing shoes, socks and bags strewn right by the door as soon they walk into the house. So set up shoe racks and little cabinets down the hallway so you can store your stuff after getting in, but keep them out of the way so the place still looks clean and inviting. You can also set up other little hubs around the house, such as holders for your magazines, boxes for the remotes, and so on.

Don't leave things lying around!
Don't leave things lying around!

Treat Everything Like a Spoon

Wouldn't you be confused if you walked into your bathroom and saw a spoon by the sink? You'd surely take it back to the kitchen where it belongs. Now imagine everything in your house is a spoon that needs to be in a logical space, and make sure that's where it's all kept.

Create a Junk Drawer

Let's face it, no matter how minimalist we want to get, sometimes we just end up with miscellaneous items we don't know what to do with. Instead of leaving them lying wherever or stressing out about finding a space for them, pick one of your drawers and put it all in there. Just make sure the drawer doesn't get too stuffed and erupt when you try to open it!

Get it all out of sight, out of mind
Get it all out of sight, out of mind

Create a Work Closet

If it's your workspace that needs organization, separate it from your other things. Dedicate a closet or shelf space for your files, stationery, and office supplies so they are all neatly kept in a way that won't be missed or mixed up with other items.

Set Aside Toss and Donation Boxes

Pick a space and keep two boxes there at all times--one for stuff that can be donated, and the other for things that just need to be thrown away. As you go around the house tidying up, pick up the junk and toss it into the boxes accordingly.

Use Organization Tools

Just creating space for everything isn't enough. You need to make sure it's all arranged nicely too! Here are a few ways to do that:

Compartmentalize your Spaces

If you have just one big closet space for everything, create imaginary compartments to separate it. In the kitchen cabinet, for example, you can keep the staples in the corner, spices in the middle, and boxes of cereal and pasta in the end. This will help so much when you're rushing to make dinner after work! Apply the same logic to your closet, bathroom shelf, and other storage areas.

Organized space, organized mind!
Organized space, organized mind!

Give Space to Everyone

One organized person in a house of four just won't cut it. Make sure everyone helps by giving them their own spaces to organize and manage. This will also help you make sure you don't accidentally go to work wearing your son's varsity jacket!

Buy Organizers

You can buy light, collapsible organizers online or at the container store to use for your drawers or closet, which help you stack things without much risk of jumbling them up. When you don't need them, simply fold the boxes and put them away.

Sort By Theme

Set your clothes by season, stationery by color, and shoes by occasion. This way, you'll be able to find whatever you're looking for easily and also keep an inventory at all times.

Doesn't it look neat and pretty?
Doesn't it look neat and pretty?

Maximize Storage

Storing things can be tricky, especially if you don't have a lot of room. But there are some ways to store things in smaller spaces:

Use Vertical Storage Solutions

Hang things like coats, belts and purses on your closet door to save storage space on the shelves. In the kitchen, your cutting board and some pots and pans can also be stacked vertically to save space--they'll also look more aesthetic this way!

Get Multi-Functional Furniture

Beds with storage underneath are pretty common and a great way to maximize the use of precious space. You can also get chairs and tables with built-in drawers.

You can also repurpose existing things to serve you in multiple ways, like using a ladder as a bookshelf when you don't need it, or creating a blackboard out of a cabinet door, rather than buying a whole new one.

Cool and practical
Cool and practical

Get Collapsible Boxes

If you don't have a lot of closet or floor space, buy collapsible boxes to store smaller items. These can fold up and be stored flat when not in use.

Repurpose Containers and Plastic Bags

Instead of tossing the empty paper towel holder into a trash bag or the recycling bin, try using it as a pen stand to keep your pens in one place--you can even paint it with your children as a fun evening activity. Same way, old trash bags and plastic bags can be used to store items that may leak or cannot be folded. Reuse everything that you can!

Use old bottles for plants!
Use old bottles for plants!

Keep Things Clean and Tidy

Once you've organized your space, maintaining it is the next challenge. Here's how to make sure all stays exactly as you've set it, without a speck of dust!

At Boss as a Service, we'll make sure you don't slack on your cleaning goals with daily check-ins and updates!

Invest in a Scanner and Shredder

With everything going digital nowadays, you probably don't have too many loose papers lying about. But make sure the odd mail or document you do get in physical form doesn't create more junk around the house. Buy a shredder to quickly get rid of junk mail when it comes in, and a scanner to save any important letter or notice on your phone, so you can easily toss it without a thought.

Stop Buying Plastic Grocery Bags

I know I said you can take plastic bags and reuse them, but let's be honest, they're not great for the environment. And more often than not, you'll just end up with a junk drawer full of empty plastic bags without much scope for repurposing them. So, avoid them altogether and opt for a small tote bag when you go shopping.

Create a Command Station

Get a magnetic notepad and turn your refrigerator or pantry door into a command station for your shopping lists, to do lists, calendars, and other important messages. This way, you can write things on the fly for everyone in the house to see.

A centre for all activities!
A center for all activities!

Cover All Spaces

Don't put all your organizing energy into just one room. Yes, having a clean workspace or study room is important, but make sure your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are not neglected either. Spread the joy and positivity everywhere!

Clear Your Inbox!

This sounds a bit odd, but junk mail and spam messages are as annoying and distracting as physical trash. Keep your devices tight and clean!

Make Organization Fun

Cleaning and organization can be time consuming and get boring. But here's how you can make it a fun and relaxing activity for the whole household:

Use Vision Boards

Visualization always helps in achieving your goals. Use inspirational pictures to see what your ideal organized space looks like and keep them in a place you may see every day for constant motivation to get it done.

Get a little nudge every day
Get a little nudge every day

Play By Numbers

Make it a rule to pick up five things around the house every day and put them back into the right place. Pretty soon, you'll run out of things to pick up, and have reached your goal! You can also rope in your children, by teaching them that for every two toys they pick up, two others must go back into the box. This will help make sure you're not constantly tripping over their dolls as you move around.

Delegate Responsibility

Let each person be responsible for their room, and divide common areas among everyone. This will not just teach everyone organization and accountability but also take the load off of one person's shoulders.

Start a 12-Day Challenge

Competition always makes things fun, right? So start a 12-day organizational challenge with your family, where each of you tackle clutter in one room of the house. Measure all your progress till the end, and whoever's done the best job wins a treat of their choice!

Families that clean together, stay together!
Families that clean together, stay together!
Interested to see how a challenge could work? Join Boss as a Service!

Final Thoughts

Organize your environment to create space in your life for more productivity.

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