Why You Need An Accountability Group, and How to Join (Or Create) One
Accountability groups -- the best social way to keep focused and on track to your goals!
No matter which profession or phase of life you are in, you know that goal-setting and tracking are important for you to reach your full potential.
But easier said than done – this is just not simple for a lot of us. In particular, some people find it difficult to get rid of their procrastination and make progress on their goals, unless they're held accountable. If you're one of them, you'll benefit by joining or creating an accountability group!
An accountability group, just like an accountability partner, is all about boosting your productivity by having some like-minded individuals tracking your progress and making sure you're working when you need to. Why do we need such groups, you ask? For one, more minds are always better than one and give you a greater chance to achieve success. This is also supported by research: In a 2015 study by the US Association for Talent Development, it was found that the probability of a person completing a goal is 10% if there is an idea of what the goal is, 50% if there is a plan, 65% if there is accountability and 95% if there is a fixed accountability appointment.
Another 2012 study on weight loss programs shows that participants showed greater weight loss when put in groups with more members. Similarly, a 2020 paper shows that people seeking obesity treatment adhere to it better when there is supportive accountability.
There are a lot more reasons to opt for accountability groups to help you meet your goals. Read on to see how they help, where to find such a group, or even how to create one yourself!

How accountability groups help you
Groups provide a sense of community
You may think you're alone in your journey, but actually, you're surrounded by a lot more people who are trying to go exactly where you are. So whether you're a writer or a real estate professional, a runner or an aspiring artist, or someone who's just trying to live a healthier life, accountability groups can be a safe place for some peer support and give you an avenue to meet like-minded people.
They help you get motivation and encouragement
When you're trying to do something especially difficult or new to you, you may get discouraged or give up, when your efforts don't meet with immediate success. An accountability group will be a way for you to receive advice on how to work smarter, persevere, or even get some peer pressure to stick to your goals.
They track progress properly
Sometimes we forget to take stock of how much we've already achieved or whether we're running behind time in meeting our goals. Having a small group of people keeping note of your progress will help you get a constant review.
Improvement in goal-setting and problem-solving
Peer accountability doesn't just help you measure your goals, but also get some feedback on how you're approaching them. For instance, if you have a vision but don't exactly know how to make it a measurable goal or figure out what you need to do to achieve it, your accountability group members can help you set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, Time-Bound) goals.
In the same way, if you come across a challenge that seems nearly impossible to navigate, advice and support from your peer group can help you find solutions.
Development of leadership skills
All accountability groups are created by someone and run by a moderator. If you decide to take up one or both of these roles, you'll develop a lot of people and management skills that will prepare you for a leadership role in other parts of your life.

Enabling the exchange of knowledge
An accountability group doesn't just keep members accountable but also helps them share ideas and knowledge. If you're an aspiring entrepreneur trying to set up your own business, successful people in your group can show you how to go about it. Or, if you're not too great at time management, a productivity expert can help you find techniques to build new habits and work better.
Groups provide opportunities for networking
Accountability groups, if they're genre specific like for writers only or students only or other such groups, also provide some opportunity to meet others in your field who you can potentially work or collaborate with. While your primary focus should be on getting better at meeting your goals, building new relationships is always a bonus!
They help you get honest feedback
Sometimes with support and encouragement, you also need brutally honest feedback on what is not working. Peer accountability will help you face the realities of failures and keep you grounded in your approach, along with building you up with your successes.
You'll get better at communication and develop confidence
Working with multiple accountability partners in a group will help you get better at communicating your vision and your work to achieve it, which can be applied to many different settings later. As you keep meeting and working with new people and seeing personal success, you'll also gain confidence that will help you push yourself and face new challenges.
Types of accountability groups
So now let's see the different kinds of accountability groups out there so you can decide which one works for you. A note here – these categories aren't exclusive of each other, so you can find one that fits into two or more of the kinds.
General accountability groups
A general accountability group is simply focused on helping members be held accountable to each other for their individual goals. This is not to say that they can't be catered to one set of people, for example, they can be writers, students, and people improving their lifestyles among other things, but the group focuses on making sure everyone is setting their own goals and working to meet them.
Mastermind accountability groups
A mastermind group is like a board of trusted advisors for a company -- each member has a specific strength they bring to the table, and everyone works together to provide constructive advice and feedback on the group's goals. The term "mastermind group" was first introduced in the book, Think and Grow Rich, where the writer said that an individual part of an accountability group like this could find success through the diverse perspectives of each of the other members.

Everything is digital nowadays, including accountability! Many accountability groups online give you access to a wider range of people who can hold you to your goals. It also takes off the pressure to meet weekly and lets you check in more regularly. But on the minus side, the internet can be distracting, and maintaining order in such a big group can pose challenges.
In-person accountability groups give you the chance to meet members of your group, and maybe you can even join a group with some close friends. Such a group ensures that there are fewer distractions and more organization. But it may limit the perspectives you see and also have a greater chance for friction between the smaller number of people.
How to join an accountability group
If you now know what kind of accountability group you're looking for, here are some ways to find it:
Check support group listings
Head down to the local library, university, or community center and check what activity support groups are in session. These groups typically have a set format so when you join for the weekly or monthly meeting, you'll have an idea of what to do and how to find the motivation and support you are looking for.
Look for academic or skill improvement classes
If you cannot find a support group, find classes for knowledge that fit in your field or are related to your interests. This will give you a chance to not just learn something but also find like-minded individuals who you can team up with for accountability.
Check online platforms
If you want to go digital, look up Facebook groups or other such social media circles for accountability. This will give you a greater chance of finding a group that is for exactly what you need. Some apps like Meetup also have options specifically for business and technology-related accountability groups.
Create an online presence
This is a bit of a quirky one, but if you're looking to become a content creator/influencer and need accountability, you can try this approach! Just create your online presence through TikTok, Instagram, Wordpress blogs, or any other site and ask your audience to help you stay accountable. Knowing that the world is watching is sure to provide a push.

Creating and running a successful accountability group
If the accountability groups already available out there still aren't for you, why not go ahead a create one according to your needs? Just keep these points in mind:
Choose group members wisely
Your first instinct is probably to invite your family and friends to participate in your group, but that's not always helpful. The point of accountability is to be answerable, so think of the dynamics you want to have with your group members and figure out how to invite not just the people you are comfortable with, but also those who will push, motivate, and challenge you when needed.
Set up regular meetings
Accountability needs to be consistent, so decide on a regular meeting schedule with your members and make sure it stays as consistent as possible. Also, think about how to make the meetings more structured so that it is a productive use of the time.
Work on SMART goals
SMART goals will help accountability group members know exactly how to measure progress. For example, don't just commit to your group to lose weight, commit to lose 15 pounds in six weeks by eating healthier and working out once a day.
Make sure it's a two-way relationship
Accountability groups shouldn't just cater to one person's needs unless they're specifically designed that way. So as you are accepting accountability, also work to provide the same commitment to help other members with their goals. Here's more on how you can be a good accountability partner!
Accept feedback and advice as you give it
Just as you provide help to others, take their advice and feedback with positivity and figure out how to apply it constructively. Iterating the accountability relationship is also important, so make sure regular reviews happen where everyone's thoughts are heard.
Final thoughts
Numbers are always better – even if the goal is self-improvement! Find accountability groups to help you meet all your big goals and reach your full potential.
Looking for more on accountability? Check out these articles!
- How to Find an Accountability Partner
- Accountability Coaching - Everything You Need to Know